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Author Archives: casanovaruffin


This Stewart/Colbert Cover of Entertainment Weekly makes me smile a lot more than the New Yorker original, which didn’t make me smile at all. [PICTURED] | [Cover Awards] The Coveted interviews The Style Clicker on the state of street fashion photography. | [The Coveted] Justin Ouellette says Muxtape is dead? I guess there’s always FavTape. […]

Sean Connery is New Model for Louis Vuitton

Do you think that Sean Connery being commissioned by Louis Vuitton adds to the elegance and timelessness of the brand with the addition of a renowned gentleman? OR do you think that this collaboration will add to LV’s reputation as a stuffy snobhouse with a stuffy old man as its poster-grandpa? [Source: Vuitton’s New Bond… […]

Sarah Palin Sparks Milf Craze… I mean, Eyeglasses Craze!

The image of the naughty librarian has been around for ages. Despite the fact that most librarians we know who work at the library are over age 50 and look like they sit on their arse the whole day, the image of the hot, tone-bodied, cleavage-copious visual prevails. And the scenario is always the same, […]

Ralph Lauren and Indiana Jones

From Ralph Lauren’s Spring 2009 Collection HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! Maybe the comparison was too obvious, but it’s crazy how much they had the specificity down. I wonder if they’ll take from any other iconic movies for future shows. Darth Vader capes anyone?

Ok we need 700 CCs of everybody’s money, STAT!

This seems to be going around, so might as well post it. Let’s give the smart guy a wedgie ya’ll!

Andre Benjamin: Launching a menswear label is the hardest thing he’s ever done

I saw this at Business of Fashion. I don’t think I could ever get tired of news about Benjamin Bixby. A lot is riding on his success. I feel like he’s the first rapper to legitimately break into the high-end fashion world. Sean John OR Rocawear do not count, not by a long shot. But […]

What I Did on My Summer Vacation by Maggie Lee, Vice Magazine

I basically spent an hour scanning these pictures off of Vice Magazine that we scored at the Tobi party because they were my favorite out of the whole issue. They really spoke to what an actual summer vacation as a kid is like. It’s not about going to the beach everyday or taking a trip […]

The Independent Pays Homage to 20 of World’s Most Influential Designers

The Independent recognizes the designers who have made the hugest contributions to today’s fashion. These are the designers who do not just set the trends, they create it. Included on the list are Hedi Slimane, Christopher Bailey, Ralph Lauren, Marc Jacobs and Rei Kawakubo. [Photo from the Independent] The looks that shook the world: A […]

The Guardian Interviews Andre Benjamin for Benjamin Bixby

Andre Benjamin talks to Simon Mills about his favorite shopping spots in London, how his outfits have evolved, and his ambitions for his fashion line, Benjamin Bixby. Hackett, the young Sloane’s outfitters, is his favourite stop-off. Benjamin spends a small fortune there and knows all the staff. “You might think that a rapper from the […]

How Mad Men Won 6 Emmys

It turns out that AMC relied on some clever marketing tricks to nab its 6 Emmys. It turns out that ingenious story arcs, elaborate sets, detailed costumes, and all the subtle nuances that are employed to capture the realities of a specific era in time are not enough to capture an Emmy. It takes buzz […]