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Monthly Archives: September 2008

Nike loves $nowboarding

Omni-sport megacorporation and marketing juggernaut Nike have officially decided to try and make a shitload more money by expanding their foray into the “action sports” market by launching Nike Snowboarding. Nike’s initial snow boot offering, the Zoom Force 1, draw a lot of obvious design influences from the Air Force 1. However you may feel […]


This Stewart/Colbert Cover of Entertainment Weekly makes me smile a lot more than the New Yorker original, which didn’t make me smile at all. [PICTURED] | [Cover Awards] The Coveted interviews The Style Clicker on the state of street fashion photography. | [The Coveted] Justin Ouellette says Muxtape is dead? I guess there’s always FavTape. […]

Ready to Live.

Notorious trailer Fashion would be nowhere without influences – and I would be nowhere without mine. I didn’t listen to a whole lot of hip hop growing up, but when I did, you better believe I was probably jammin’ to something from Bad Boy. Watch that trailer and tell me that it doesn’t give you […]

Bobby Hundreds is shameless.

…with that cross-branding promotion, I mean. And he’s also really funny. I’m dreaming of fresh pow night and day, and it figures that the stars and moon would align for Bobby to drop sneak peeks of the new Hundreds x Forum collaboration in highly entertaining fashion. It reads way better if you peep it at […]

Sean Connery is New Model for Louis Vuitton

Do you think that Sean Connery being commissioned by Louis Vuitton adds to the elegance and timelessness of the brand with the addition of a renowned gentleman? OR do you think that this collaboration will add to LV’s reputation as a stuffy snobhouse with a stuffy old man as its poster-grandpa? [Source: Vuitton’s New Bond… […]

Sneakers that aren’t just sneakers.

Skim through enough fashion articles and sartorial suggestion pieces and you’ll notice that there is strong encouragement to pick pieces that are timeless, to select items that are not only versatile enough to mix well with different looks but are also unique enough to stand on their own if you so choose. Needless to say, […]

Sarah Palin Sparks Milf Craze… I mean, Eyeglasses Craze!

The image of the naughty librarian has been around for ages. Despite the fact that most librarians we know who work at the library are over age 50 and look like they sit on their arse the whole day, the image of the hot, tone-bodied, cleavage-copious visual prevails. And the scenario is always the same, […]

The Color Purple

Emore went to Connecticut and all he brought us are these stupid pictures of purple clothes… J. Crew and Forever 21 Uniqlo and H&M If you haven’t noticed yet, purple is the fall color… But does that mean it’s your color?

Ralph Lauren and Indiana Jones

From Ralph Lauren’s Spring 2009 Collection HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! Maybe the comparison was too obvious, but it’s crazy how much they had the specificity down. I wonder if they’ll take from any other iconic movies for future shows. Darth Vader capes anyone?

Ok we need 700 CCs of everybody’s money, STAT!

This seems to be going around, so might as well post it. Let’s give the smart guy a wedgie ya’ll!